SURET Distinguished in the USA with the 2023 GO Global Awards.

SURET triumphed in the “Engineering” category, competing against 34 other companies. The company was one of only two Polish firms invited to the finals in Rhode Island and one of the few representing Central and Eastern Europe. The award was received by SURET’s CEO, Sebastian Michael Gawron, who had the opportunity to present the jury with the company’s offerings, achievements, and market advantages twice during the qualifications.


The Go Global Awards is an initiative of the International Trade Council, with the main idea of the recurring events being to promote and honor enterprises from around the world, representing various industries, scales, and scopes of operation. Each year, the event is an excellent opportunity to build relationships during meetings with business leaders, representatives of the US government administration, and representatives of industry trade and commercial organizations.


The GO Global Awards program invites companies of various scales and potentials, but with one distinguishing feature – the company must have an innovative business model in its category. Therefore, companies that, due to their uniqueness, have achieved significant market success or noticeable participation in global market sectors, or have attracted the interest of investors and the media, are promoted.


This year’s meeting and award ceremony were organized by the International Trade Council in Providence, Rhode Island (USA).


Over 1200 companies from around the world entered the competition. From these, participants for the live final in Providence were selected – over 40 national and international agencies involved in supporting economic development, and more than 400 companies. At this stage, a group of 255 entities was also chosen, which had the chance to present themselves during the 2-day hearings before a jury composed of distinguished business representatives, government agencies, and media. The final stage of elimination was the selection of winners in various categories. During the ceremonial gala on November 8, 2023, 44 awards and 40 distinctions were presented, including the award for SURET.


Congratulations to the Relocation Division team, especially to Director Łukasz Kurowski, Vice President of SURET, and Monika Górska, who leads sales and development of the department.


Let’s meet in Chicago

SURET is building relationships in the US market at its new address: 155 North Wecker Dr, Suite 4250, Chicago, Il 60606 and at phone numbers: 773 220 9126 or 773 220 9046.

SURET partners with PAIH in Chicago

The Polish Investment and Trade Agency is a capiatal of knowledge, extensive relations and valuable initiatives. This is what every company trying to enter the US market needs. This is how it started…


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