The expansions of two Lviv industrial parks began this year alone. One of these appears to be of particular interest to European manufacturers. The Lviv city authorities are preparing for a major land auction. Six plots of land will be sold, with five of them slated for industrial development and one for residential development.

The land auctions are scheduled for 25 April 2023. The plots have roughly the same total area – more three and four hectares. They are in the largest industrial zone of Lviv, Sygnivka. Ukrainian and foreign investors have been successfully operating here for a long time. The site is conveniently located. There are bypasses and major roads in the vicinity. Construction phase II of the industrial park is under way. In fact, Sygnivka is a “town within a town”, with developed infrastructure necessary for work and temporary residence. Over the past five years, the Sygnivka district in the north-west of Lviv has transformed from a derelict industrial wasteland into a powerful industrial centre. A private industrial park, Sparrow Lviv, already operates on site ( and nearby, in the Ryasne-2 industrial zone, an investment company, Dragon Capital, is building M-10, an industrial park (


This year, another industrial city park should be built in Signivka and will include light industry and woodworking businesses, as well as mechanical engineering plants. The city park will be home to companies from IT, telecommunications, food, and healthcare sectors – the park will focus on small and medium-sized enterprises. Over the past six months, the Lviv City Council has been working on a concept for the development of the city park together with experts from the Kyiv School of Economics and private companies, Abt Associates and Good Governance Fund. Fifteen hectares of municipal land have been reserved for the project. A few days ago, the first results of work were presented in Lviv and a plan for the establishment of the city park was agreed. Its final concept is still in the pipeline and it is expected to be approved mid-year.

Will these initiatives by the authorities of Ukrainian cities have an impact on the pace of attracted industrial investment projects? Learn more for our newsletter, “SURET Close to Ukraine”. Subscribe here.


Let’s meet in Chicago

SURET is building relationships in the US market at its new address: 155 North Wecker Dr, Suite 4250, Chicago, Il 60606 and at phone numbers: 773 220 9126 or 773 220 9046.

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